Alight Alchemy is a consulting practice that seeks to spark generative transformation by providing facilitation & coaching for movement leaders, organizational infrastructure support, and multidisciplinary healing for people moving through change.

Liberation lies in functional and connected ecosystems. It unearths and honors wisdom and activates new ways of deepening connection, trust, joy and purpose. It’s being in right relationship with nature. It’s community that witnesses, nurtures, inspires, and transforms us. It’s the ability to rest deep and dream big. It’s our cups being so full that they run over, nourishing generations. It’s love actualized.

We are often guided by social justice movement organizers, rooted in the belief that liberation is possible. That we can weave intersectional visions of collective power. That there is enough for all of us. That we, too, are enough.

But, in moments of change and transition, we may find that the systems of care and sustainability within our institutions are not strong enough to hold our wildest dreams.

It’s in these moments of transition where our greatest power and potential lies.

I am a facilitator, artist, and health/healing practitioner working to strengthen and sustain our connections and our movements. I have over 15 years of experience leading community health organizations through a racial and gender justice lens, and am a death doula and budding land steward trained in several interconnected healing modalities. More about me can be found here.

My work centers the embodied liberation of Black queer and trans people, women, and femmes - and the network of communities, organizations, fiscal sponsors and funders that support Black queer and trans people, women, and femmes.

Over the years, Alight Alchemy has built a thoughtful and expansive network of values-aligned consultants as sub- and co-contractors on projects.   We’re in deep practice of interdependence, and weave together the right people for the right work who can hold nuance, rigor, and care when moving organizations through the possibility in change and transition.  Through this, we amplify those consultants’ individual work and the magic of the collective.

This practice exists within a vibrant ecosystem is guided by several core questions I moved through in my own leadership journey.  If these resonate for you, I’d love to connect!

How do I stay whole & grounded in this work?

Living out of alignment can be some of deepest grief we experience. And in leading organizations, there is little time for learning new tools and strategies, or cultivate a place to receive loving accountability in your own leadership journey. We support movement leaders in their day-to-day practice of leadership - through skills building around topics such as supervision practice, setting boundaries, moving toward generative conflict, making intentional rest commitments, and alignment / capacity checks - while connecting you to supportive mental/physical/emotional/spiritual care practitioners.

How can we collectively navigate conflict & change?

Change is present everywhere in the natural world around us, yet moments of transition within our organizations can too often disconnect us from ourselves and each other. Using practices in somatic abolitionism and emergent strategy, we facilitate organizations to sharpen their conflict literacy, move through accountability, repair, and visioning processes, deepen collective care, and adaptively plan for the future. This work is stewarded in deep partnership with Ti Malik Coleman.

How do we sustain the infrastructure needed to best support our movements?

Too often in the fight for the health of our communities, we lose sight of the care, sustainability, and infrastructure needs in our own organizations. We support organizations with individualized support or consulting and coaching intensives, bringing together Black and Brown LGBTQ experts in human resources, communications, development, finance, nonprofit law, healing justice, and conflict literacy to resource organizations for the long-term. This work is stewarded in deep partnership with Jabari Lyles.

For specific resources and tools for fiscal sponsors, click here!